Fall Fishing Tips

Fall Fishing Tips Articles from L & M Marine

When the weather cools off, you'll probably start to see certain water enthusiasts disappear. Boaters who either want to enjoy the summer sun or prefer water sports activities that are better suited for warm months will start to put their boats away and leave the water. But for fishers, the excitement continues all year long. You just have to know where to find it.

At L & M Marine, we've provided you with some of the best tips for fishing in the fall, just after the busy season. While there will be fewer boaters on the water, the weather will also be much colder. You'll want to make sure you're in the right place at the right time so you don't waste an entire day shivering in the autumn cold. If you need the right boat to keep you going all year long, then stop by our location in Stapleton, Alabama. We proudly serve the regions of Mobile and Theodore, Alabama, as well as Biloxi, Mississippi and Pensacola, Florida.

Which Fish?

There are certain premier spots you'll want to be looking for the best catches of the season. Let's start with bass. Bass tend to follow their food and their food tends to find warmer, away from the cooler, shallower water. You'll want to try and catch them when they're on the move and traveling through creeks and other high traffic areas. You may even find groups of bass feeding on their primary food sources, such as perch, sunfish, and minnows. You'll also want to keep in mind that on sunny fall days, the fish will probably crowd in the shadows so that's where you'll want to look first.

You might also be fishing for trout. The first thing you'll want to know is that the fall is mating season for trout. This will mean they're on the hunt and more easily lurable. Don't waste your time by trolling off the bottom looking for the best catch. With the right baitfish, you can bring the best catch to you. However, they are still going to be careful. If you feel something bump your line, don't jerk. The fish is testing the lure and you don't want to scare them off. Simply pump the bait periodically to make it look like a living fish.

There are a few other species you might be looking for. Take some time to research which other freshwater, or even saltwater, fish you can expect and legally catch.

Water Temperature

The temperature of the water will affect how and where you fish. Fish like bass tend to feed more vigorously in the fall. While you can think of this as preparation for winter, it's actually a response to the cooling water temperatures. At the same time, their food will find cover, making their way to weed beds, drawing the game fish with them. Because of this, you'll want to pay special attention to fishing grounds with waters under 50 degrees.

Rivers or Streams

Finally, where you fish will affect how to find the best game as well. Consider larger rivers with a moderate gradient. These may look calm on the surface, but the current underneath can be hard to predict. Fish know this as well, so when they're not actively trying to move up- or downstream, they'll find a more sheltered spot, preferably where there's food to eat. Places like bankside eddies. These are more popular with the species we've discussed. There are some fish who prefer the main channel though, so make sure to check where you might find the type of fish you're specifically looking for.

For smaller streams with a higher gradient, you'll find game is more difficult to find, but you can find them. For cooler days, you'll want to look for fairly deep pockets of water, at least knee-deep if not more, so pocket-water seams, slots, and current tongues. Odds are, you won't be able to bring your boat for this one, so while the choppy waters will help, you'll still want to move slowly to keep from scaring the fish away.

Fishing isn't exactly a sport you can perfect overnight. It'll probably take you a few tries before you're comfortable with it and you actually catch something, but fishing is all about patience. Gather as much information from as many sources as you can and then sprinkle in some of your own tricks to make the perfect strategy for you. If you still need the perfect fishing boat, stop by L & M Marine in Stapleton Alabama. We welcome all patrons from Mobile and Theodore, Alabama, as well as Biloxi, Mississippi and Pensacola, Florida.