Seasickness is an extremely prevalent medical condition in which the affected person feels a sudden sense of dizziness and nausea. Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely boat ride on a lake or a fishing adventure on the choppy ocean waters, seasickness can not only ruin your experience but also prompt you to cut the trip short. If you have ever experienced this or have seen a group member struggling with it, you’ll find this guide handy. At L&M Marine in Stapleton, Alabama, we have rounded up a few tips that can help you to prevent and handle this condition.

If you’re looking for a new boat for sale, stop by our dealership. We are happy to serve our customers in Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida.

Don’t Go On a Boat If You’re Sick

If you’re already feeling unwell, there is a higher chance that you may get seasick on a boat ride. To prevent this, you’ll want to stay on land and rest up.

Avoid Staring At a Fixed Object

Reading a book, looking through binoculars for a long period of time, and attempting a craft project will require you to fixate on a motionless object. This can make you feel uneasy and seasick. To avoid it, keep your eyes focused on the horizon so that your brain can gradually adjust to the boat’s motions.

Avoid Alcohol Before and During a Boat Ride

Alcohol can dehydrate your body’s systems and stir up seasickness. Limit your intake if you can’t avoid it. Also, maintain your water intake so that you remain hydrated throughout the trip.

Eat Delicately

Don’t eat a heavy meal and upset your stomach before boarding a boat. It’s better to eat a light meal that includes bread, crackers, pretzels, and non-acidic fruits. Avoid starving yourself as that can make you feel sick with hunger.

Try Natural Remedies or Medications

If you feel seasick despite taking precautions, you’ll want to try natural remedies and medications to feel better. You can use ginger and peppermint either as-is or in a candy form or a tea. You may also want to use an over-the-counter medicine, such as Dramamine or Bonine. However, these are only useful if you take them before boarding the boat.

We hope these tips will help you keep seasickness at bay so you can thoroughly enjoy your boat ride. If you need more tips, visit L&M Marine in Stapleton, Alabama, and connect with our friendly team. We can show you our latest collection of boats and help you pick the right vessel for your lifestyle. We are happy to serve all those in Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida.